Monday, October 28, 2013

The importance of flour.

If you are following the new fad of gluten-free dieting or if you have Celiac's Disease, this post is not for you.

 Hard Red Winter Wheat grains dried and ground makes up 70-80% of all flour production in the United States. Most of it is turned to the All Purpose flour you might find in your grocery store. There are six general classification of wheats that are made into most of the flour consumed:
Hard red winter
High protein, strong gluten
Pan breads, yeast breads, buns, rolls
Hard red spring
Highest in protein, med-strong gluten, blending wheat
Pan breads, yeast breads, buns, hard rolls
Soft red winter
Med-low protein, weak gluten
Flat breads, cakes, pastries, crackers
Soft white
Spring and winter types are not differentiated
Low protein, very weak gluten
Flat breads, cakes, pastries, crackers, noodles, batters and thickener
Hard white 
Medium to high protein, med-strong gluten
Yeast breads, Asian noodles, steam bread
High protein, medium to strong gluten
Pasta, macaroni, spaghetti

Lets be honest

You are most likely to just buy/stock regular AP flour, but if you wanted that extra special texture of the true form of a certain type of dough, then treating yourself to a few ounces of a different flour is in order.
Even Safeway carries these flours so there is no " I didn't want to go to a Whole Food or Co-op/Hippie store for some weird flour" Seriously, give it a try.

Here is a cornmeal pancake recipe I use with white flour ( hard white flour is higher in gluten and it amkes a fluffier pancake.)

Corn Cakes:
2 cups white flour ( hard or soft depending on the texture you desire)
2 cups cornmeal  ( texture depends on the final texture you desire)
1 Tbsp Baking Powder
1 Tbsp Salt ( I use kosher due to its flake texture and ease of dissolving)

4 cups cream ( Milk works fine, cream has more fat and flavor)
8 eggs separated into separate bowls
4 Tbsp sugar

Whisk first four ingredients until thoroughly mixed.
Whip egg whites with sugar until soft peak 

Mix cream (milk) with egg yolks and whisk into dry mix until just incorporated. ( We don't want too much gluten!)
Carefully fold the eggs whites in a quarter at a time. Do so by dropping in the whites, smoothing them over the top and then folding. Repeat until aerated and incorporated.

Now you are ready to cook the corn cakes!
Heat up a non stick pan with a dab of butter, wait for it to sizzle then add the dough in whatever size you want.
Be sure to keep a medium low heat on your pan.
Cook on one side until the top has risen and does not wobble when you shake the pan. Carefully flip the cake and brown the underside. For Gordon's sake do not push down on your pancake! This ruins all the hard work of folding you just did.

These hot, fluffy cakes are now ready to serve with your favorite sauce ( Maple Syrup).



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